False colour satellite image of Nanaimo, BC

2017 Winner

Andrew Wilson

Andrew Wilson won the 2017 Carto Cup competition for his map showing his vision for the future network of multi-use trails in the Cowichan Valley.

In early 2015, the Municipality of North Cowichan (MNC) council voted to develop a Parks and Trails Master Plan.  During the community consultation process later that year, an online discussion forum was utilized for feedback and suggestions.  As an avid user of the multi-use trails in the region, this was a great opportunity to present ideas that would enhance the network.  I felt that a visual representation would be helpful to convey the inadequacies and discontinuities of the existing multi-use trails, the disjointed links, and the lack of any loops or continuous connections. ... The purpose of the two maps is to: Show the connection deficiencies and lack of continuous loops in the existing multi-use trails network in the Cowichan Valley by visually contrasting  the Connectivity 2016 map with the Vision 2050 map; [and to] propose a vision of how the multi-use trail network in the Cowichan Valley could look in 2050. - Andrew Wilson

Schematic maps of Cowichan Valley trails

Cowichan Valley Trails Potential Map