2017 domestic field school, Alert Bay, BC.
TWO awards per academic year will be given to applicants who are attending a field school offered by VIU's Department of Anthropology. The award amount will be based on whether the field school is international ($1000) or domestic ($500).
DEADLINE: TBD (approximately mid-February), to Dr Marie Hopwood, Chair
- anthropology major in third or fourth year of study
- minimum B average
- meet the enrolment requirements as specified in the calendar under Who qualifies? “VIU Scholarships Awards and Bursaries”
- demonstrated financial need, must submit budget, including sources (applied, awarded, and/or self)
- accepted to participate in a department sponsored field school
Students who wish to be considered for this award must submit their application with a 300-word statement, including budget. In their statement, they should address the question "Why will attending a field school matter to your education in anthropology?"
NOTE: Preference will be given to first time recipients.