Roots to Thrive

Through awareness, regulation, heartfulness, and aligning, it is possible to connect to, and then transform the personal and collective consciousness.

Our ability to thrive correlates with the strength of our roots.  Within these roots we will find every inner resource we need to self-actualize into our highest, most authentic self.  The work is not about learning to be human, it is about remembering our inner resources, our desires, values, and passions as we reconnect to our bodies and spirits.  We will bask in our wholeness as we align with our calling and pendulate between the inner world and the environment, people, and activities of the outer world.

Concept tree

Sense of coherence (Antonovsky, 1979), centres on our orientation to life (meaning, comprehension/predictability, and confidence in our resources). Mindfulness is a component of sense of coherence.

Congruence (Rogers, 1959), centres on one’s orientation to self.  It is the alignment of one’s ‘real’ and ‘ideal’ self.  Self-compassion is a component of congruence. Unresolved trauma causes our inner space to feel unsafe, keeping us from dropping in to self soothe and connect to the resilience found in our roots.

Learn more at Roots to Thrive