Liberal Studies Abroad Accommodation Preference Form

Location and Year of Program: ________________________________




Student Number (if any):



Type of Accommodation Preferred:




Second Choice (if first not available):



Names of Applicants you wish to share with (if any):





Please note any lifestyle characteristics (other than those below) which you feel organizers should take into account when assigning accommodation:










In order to assist us in assigning room-partners, please check as many of the following descriptions as you think refer to you:



Like to rise and retire early 

Like to rise and retire late 

Quiet and studious type 

Basically out to have fun 



Social drinker 


Heavy drinker on occasions 


Prefer to share with people my own age, 
which is: 

Don't mind at all about age 

Send this form to Libby McGrattan, Liberal Studies Department, Vancouver Island University, 900 Fifth Street, Nanaimo, BC, V9R 5S5, Canada.